Outsourced CFO Services in Palm Beach County, FL and New England

We offer an outsourced CFO service, allowing you to take advantage of the benefits of having a full-time chief financial officer without the expense of a full-time salary. Based in New England and Palm Beach County, FL, a Bean Counter provides the day-to-day framework and implementation of a CFO, while you maintain complete control. The final word is always yours, but our advice is at your disposal. We make ourselves available to you so that you have access to the financial knowledge and expertise you require.

Forensic Accounting

In addition to our outsourced CFO, we offer a forensic accounting service, allowing you to obtain an in-depth look at your books. We'll go over everything, from financial statements to expense payments, carefully reviewing for accuracy and legitimacy. Our years of experience in the field allow us to find any potential inconsistencies and cover-ups. You can count on us to perform the most thorough investigations.